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The clothes shop seem to not work, no clothes show up and if you talk to Cassie you soft lock.

So sorry, I have introduced a major bug in the game. I will get this sorted out and then message you later today!!

Heya I fixed this bug. Please try it out again!


Cool, thanks!

how can I buy a school uniform? it does not show up in the clothes store

So sorry, I have introduced a major bug in the game. I will get this sorted out and then message you later today!!

Heya I fixed this bug. Please try it out again!

How big ram need to play this game....i can play this game at browser. but i can't play when i download

Depends, what kind of error do you see when you play the downloaded version?

(1 edit)

error extracting asset ..did i need to do something?

It'll depend on your device. You trying on a phone or computer?


This game is awesome! You show the cumshots on their mouth and pussy, but is it way to turn them around so we can see cumshots on their ass too?


Thank you! There is not, because that would double our workload to have to render both sides of the girls. Sorry!


The new update erased my save files, but I can still see a save file in my computer files. how can I get my saves back?


nevermind i just realized I probably literally never saved lmao fuck


Haha it should auto-save after every day. If you play in incognito mode, it won't save.

every time I download and it loads all the assets then gets to 5% of extracting and crashes

Hey mate, your phone might be a little too underpowered for this game. I am adding improvements to the next version so can you please check back in a week or so to see if it works?


Whenever I go to download it the installer says it wants to permanently store data on my device. This is really suspicious sounding and I'd like to know what specifically it's talking about before I continue.

What installer are you talking about? The game uses your browser's local storage to store your save file.

I think it's called or something. Every other game I've downloaded on download immediately from the site onto my phone (Except Academy34, which directed to their website). When I try to download it redirects me to which I've downloaded from before but never had asked to store permanent data. Is it supposed to do that?


Mega is a storage provider that has been around for a very long time. They are safe to use. The reason for the pop up is because they use a technology where the file gets stored into your browser first and then gets generated as a file. It's different than the typical file download. They do this for privacy reasons.


oh ok that's good to know. Thanks for the assistance :)


What happened to the animations that would happen, like how during the brothel, the first 3 characters had custom animations for the diffrent positions?

Heya! There are not enough animations for each girl so I replaced them with default ones to save resources and a million messages asking for when I'm going to finish making them


can you make this downloadable on itchio, so I can use the itchio app to keep up on updates easie?


The app works for me, been using it for a long time.

Deleted 306 days ago

Thank you!


Love this game!  The artwork, the story, the voice-acting, the game mechanics, all of it!  Just wanting more story, more battles, and could wearing different clothes give different stat benefits to the girl?

I had that in the past, and am working on doing something similar but not for clothing!


On the android version it keeps crashing on extracting assets 5%, and when I try to play it on chrome the same thing happens except it goes to a black screen.

I'm working on fixing this in the next update 👍

Downloaded to my tablet, but when I try to play, I just get a white screen.

White screen usually means your device can't open the files for some reason. I would suggest playing on Chrome instead.

Then I  just get a black game-box.

Okay, game might just not run on your tablet then. Sorry!


Ummm hey can you give some requirements in android devices so we can at least know what kind of firepower would we need to run this game in android Thanks 

Great game by the way

Sure, I'll work on it on the next update because I'm making a lot of performance changes and will need to update them right after I finish this new code.


Fantastic game!!! Tbh i downloaded it because i was looking to play a game that i can jack off to while playing but this game is unreal. I am so impressed by the games story. Its an amazing game! Only thing is that after u unlock more than 4 people the game lags alot while in a "battle" type thing not sure if it's my phone is the problem or whatever.


Haha thank you thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it. Yes, battles get laggy because of how many things are going on at once. This is something I'll have to work on in the near future if i want to solidify playability on all devices.


Great game! Just a question, will there be more quests once you beat Nigel? 


Yes, there will be!



Great game, loved all 6 hours I played


Thank you!

the game always crash, i tried in browser to but it still crash

The game might crash on devices that can't handle the game. Is your phone old?

After finishing the first quest and going back to the brothel, the game crashes in the mobile version

same as me

The game might crash on devices that can't handle the game. Is your phone old?

I have a motrola g7 play that I bought in late 2019 or Early 2020, its release date is feb 7 2019. 


Hmmm, the release date might be new, but the specs don't look very powerful. I would not be surprised if it running out of memory while trying to load all of the game files.


damn, I really fell for the "play" part. Well, guess Imma wait until my pc is fixed i guess. Thanks 


No worries, this game requires an unnecessary amount of processing power. I am actively finding ways to reduce this, so hopefully you'll get to play in the near future!


Discovered ur game, it's top-notch, hope the best for the game <3

Thank you thank you! Glad you like it!

when is the futa part? 

<3 the game so far btw!


Futa comes near the end, when you meet Natash!


how to download it


Yow my first time commenting here. Your game is great. I played it since the beginning. I just have one tiny request maybe can you add animated pic like suki have. Yeah keep up the good work

Thank you thank you, and don't worry bro. We'll have more animations in time...

Deleted post

Thanks buddy!

What do armored and Big Cock enemies do? Not sure if I missed the tutorial section or what

Clients have defense and armor attributes. Girls need a higher piercing stat to beat them more easily (Ardura has a ton of piercing damage). Big Cock enemies just do 150% extra damage to the girl's stamina bar.


Thank you for the speedy reply! Looking forward to seeing more added to the game as it progresses


so many frequent updates dude best game EVER!!!content flowing like a tsunami bro tysm

Flowing like a tsunami 🏄


Glorious! Comrade

Thank you comrade

HEY!!!... good job on the game! Keep up the good work. I did like the evil guy's design, reminds me of Edgeworth lmao 

Hahaha hey! Thank you!


I just finished the beta! This was a really fun game that was also very humorous at times. I can't wait to play it again soon. 10/10!!

Thank you thank you, glad you enjoyed it! I'll have the full complete main story done this weekend, so look out for that!

does old save filies still work?

Not from version 0.10 !

(1 edit)

Ummm I downloaded the apk and installed it after that I ran the app and it said extraction may take a while, but then it crashed. 

I just wanted to ask if the extraction relies on the internet or something like that.

Does it require me to close all my apps?

Or do I have to do something before installing the app?


Heya! The game has an insanely large amount of files, in which your device might not be able to handle. I would recommend trying to play on Chrome and see if you have the same issues.

Thanks for answering one last question what's the total mb of the app?

The app is about 150mb now? Might be a little bit more.


i cant wait for the next version , how long it will take?


Glad you're enjoying the game! It'll be out either this week or weekend!


nah i hope can play full version of this game soon :v when will  you put it on steam ? i'm from vietnam so it hard for me to support you through patreon.


No problem brother. The game will be on Steam hopefully by the end of the year or early next year :)

When are the special animations coming back

are there any cheats in latest version of game ? because pressing D five times does not work.


Yup, click the gold icon in the top left 7 times

I downloaded the android version and I'm wondering how I can view more from the gallery? Seems like I can only see the first page of it and not scroll or click through to see more old scenes. 

That's weird, can you send me a picture of what you're seeing? You should be able to scroll through it.

(1 edit)

Tried this and it looks like a fun game...

Edit: How do I import my older save files to the new version?

You cannot import your save from 0.10.X

I dont think the browser version is working

What's going on with your game? Is there an error message or is not loading or something?

Hi, is there a way to play the previous versions of this game? I really don't like the timer mechanic during the "battles"

Yess, you can go on my patreon and download version 0.10.3 if you want to play the older version.

(1 edit)

Can I do that on phone? I'm using samsung s20 

Yeah, just get the .apk

So, something broke the browser version with the last update. I've cleared my history, cookies, cache, and restarted my browser, but when I hit menu, I still get a "save corrupted" error for all three files, even though I only ever used one.

There's also no way for me to start a new game. I can still access the import menu where I could paste the information in if I had it, so while it would be inconvenient, I could live with having to copy that information into a text file for later.

Heya, you playin on a computer? You can press Ctrl + Shift + i to open up the console and show me what the error message is.

There's everything that showed up in the window. The instance of "xr-spatial-tracking" that appears at the bottom of the first picture and the top of the second is the same instance. And there weren't any actual errors, just those warnings.

Are these logs after you've been prompted by the corrupted save file message?

(1 edit)

I took the screenshots beforehand, but nothing changed when I went through and got it.

Edit: I just tried again and it's working fine now. I haven't changed anything, so I have no idea what it was.

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