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nothing to say, good idea.

finally beat it !! i really love this game. can't wait to see more content.
my only complaint is that in hard mode i wish i had more stamina. i think having a shorter cooldown between an action and the stamina starting to regen whould be great.


So really good base here, animations are fantastic as always,

1) the stamina mechanic either needs to be reworked or dropped with what you seem to be going for here. Either A) make the max stamina lower with a faster recharge time packed with a shorter delay B) add a sprint function, or C) remove stamina entirely and add a cooldown to the dodge.

The reason for my above suggestion is that, as is, the stamina recharge delay is really sluggish, so the optimal strategy is to spam all of your stamina, then dodge away and wait the full 2 seconds to recharge, which completely stopped the flow of combat, so I think that experimenting with a shorter delay and different max stamina values would be beneficial.

2) The walk speed is fine, but it would be really nice to have a sprint feature, either tied to stamina or not, because one of the main features of the soulslike(esque) genre you are going for is the idea that you need to choose between dodging and relocating so that the attack whiffs, thus allowing you more stamina to attack with. With this current setup this isn't possible; his attacks have a very long range and move him forward, and combined with the way he corrects his facing direction, you need to dodge into range either as he's attacking or be there and wait for an attack to dodge for a damage window.

3) the double swipe and the triple swipe have the same startup animation, this combined with the different dodge timings you need for both makes it frustrating at times to figure out when you are allowed to attack. Maybe making one of those come as an overhead and one as an underhand would help visually distinguish them. This could also be addressed with different sound queues

Heya! Thanks for the feedback


will she be barefoot in the final version you know, for footjobs x3 ? 

Hahah she will not sorry, she's got robo legs!!!


I mean I'm not too big into FJs but I wouldn't mind robo feet lmao


Could you make it more like "lewd city girls" the fighting games market is a bit saturated and i've been looking for a game like that

The Game doesn't work I tried to install the apk version but it said "app not installed" please fix this problem.

instant issue i had was that there is no enemy staggering.

if they are doing a move, i cannot stun them, makes it far harder to do anything.
for the rest tho, well made. like the concept.
a difficult game like this might be fun

Good stuff as always dude

The only issues i had were the enemy AI being a little difficult to predict (and it straight breaking once or twice) and sometimes the moves weren't telegraphed in a readable manner. It felt like the regular move started the same but had 2 variations:

1. Light

2. Light with a second, down swing

It felt difficult to read, the 2nd attack seeming to take a few extra frames before the opening swing but i honestly couldn't say for sure. It felt unfair to try to read a move that does considerably more damage with no immediate visual (or audio but i cant complain about the complete lack of that feature since this is literally the earliest public build lol) indicators. By the time I'd realise most of the time I'd already committed to getting in his grill and there's no stunning him out of the swing so I'd have to tank it. It just felt like i didnt have a chance

Thank you very much. I'll certainly experiment with more static decisions by the enemy. That way you'll it'll only require skill to dodge and then attack, instead of gambling on what the boss will do next.

Great game, my only complaint is how much if an ass whooping you get if you play on a phone.


It's very difficult, I lost 3 times in a row playing on the cell phone to the first enemy, in addition, the enemies have a very large range advantage, and I have very little stamina

This is a personal point but I feel uncomfortable playing a woman you couldn't add a mode where The player can control a man and fuck mechanical sluts 


Can there be futa content, maybe futa-on-male, in a future version?

Pretty good start! Will it just be a boss rush type of game or will there be normal mobs and stage hazards/obstacles to overcome?

So far the Heavy Attack seems a bit too good as it lets you chain heavy attacks together unlike the Light Attack. I can do Heavy into Light×3 while the enemy is still stunned for 10+4+4+4= 22 damage, but I can also just do Heavy 3 times for 10+6+6= 22 damage too.

Outside of stun, light attacks only do 2 damage each, so they're just way too weak right now to be even worth anyone's time doing. Increasing the damage to 3 while also increasing Counterattack damage (hitting the enemy during their recovery after their attack) to maybe 5 might make light attacks actually viable.

Maybe change heavy attack to have more range but also a slower attack so that heavy attacks aren't just "Light Attack but better" but instead provides utility.

Anyways that's all I got right now for this prototype. Is the protag a robot girl or something, maybe a cyborg? I love me some robot girls, good luck with your game!


I'm glad you were able to figure out the optimal "combos". Your suggestions are very similar to what we had in previous versions of the game. I'm planning on upping her damage in a patch tonight.

I enjoyed the slower heavy attack I had before as well, maybe that will make a comeback.

The original idea for the protag was to have a 80% human girl in a Cyberpunk world, where most people are 80% robot. Which would make her the most desirable person to fuck. 

If she's the most desirable person to fuck then why is she initiating all the fucking hahaha.

Sounds like if you want the gameplay to match the story then she might just have a huge robot kink or the 20% human part is mostly the genitalia. Maybe there's no more human men in the world and the population is declining and she's going around trying to find a suitor or something.

Maybe she's 80% robot and everyone else is 80% human which makes them the most desirable to fuck since she is afterall doing the fucking in the gameplay. Well whatever you figure out in the story I'll be looking forward to it!

Hahaha right right, the original game idea was a game where people came to her to fuck. An underground brothel type scenario. A management based game. We decided to throw that away and go with an action game instead.

make it where you skip it to content or power ups or both

Так это прототип?

Возможно ли сделать так? включить в настройках режим перемещения вперёд назад как в мортал комбат. И вперёд назад верх вниз? Люди разные бывают кому-то как и мне,нравится перемещение файтинга <>.

Также немного огорчает тайминг. Но проект ваш должен дальше жить, как знать может позже оно эволюционирует в Теккен,8) спасибо вам за старание

Да, эта игра является прототипом. В этой игре движение похоже на Streets of Rage. Я хочу сделать игру как Dark Souls, а не Tekken 8 хахаха

how do i fix this?

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Use Chrome or Firefox

ok thanks


i seem to have come across a bug

im not exactly sure what happened, but im on hard mode, and i think he used a hard-mode specific move while i was near the border, and he just clipped through it

Oh lol that's funny. I thought I fixed that, but I guess not. I'll work on it.


I agree with Terra13M that the hitboxes aren't what I'd hope theyd be for a finished product, but for a proof of concept they're okay. 

There doesn't seem to be a "poise" mechanic though, the robot would just ignore that I was attacking him and swing anyway. Maybe I'm just not good at enough of this style of game, but it is also very difficult, and on easy mode I couldn't tell what was different. 

Great proof of concept, would be willing to play more future iterations


Heya! I love the concept! I beat it on Normal mode after several attempts.

I was confused at first as to why I wasn't doing damage to the enemy until I was finally able to bring down their energy meter. A tutorial would have been appreciated but it's a prototype so it's understood. In any case, the concept is brilliant! Kind of gives me a Punch-Out vibe where every round you recover a little bit of health.

Having the 'sex animations' being tied behind 'winning' your fights is a really good thing in my mind. Having intermittent and increasing intensity sex animations is also a big bonus in my mind to make me want to keep fighting for more animations. Freaking love this concept!

I found that JUST kicking was my best move since it briefly stunned the opponent. I don't know if that is just indicative of my playstyle or if there is something to be changed there, just felt like sharing it. Some combos between punches and kicks could incentivise more playstyles or strategies.

Music and SFX are a MUST here! I couldn't help but imagine some rock/techno tunes to match the beat-em-up gameplay + techno theme of the characters.

Aside from your energy meter recovering slower and not being able to use your skills, perhaps there can be a further punishment where you are stuck standing still/slowed down until your energy recovers.

I hope there is plans for different enemies having different sex animations. Levels where there are many little minions along with the main boss will be interesting. The minions are essentially fodder to recover your health.

Overall, great game concept! Look forward to it's progress! <3


So far I think that it can be quite fun, my two biggest issues are the Hitboxes are a bit out of proportion and can make it confusing about whether an attack will hit or not, and the other is when playing the passive health regen felt a bit to powerful (I could basically just take some time and recover everything without punishment) so I think maybe some sort of hard damage would help with that. Other than those two points I think it's a great demo for a fighting game. 

The game just keeps the screen black infinitely on my device (moto g9 plus) can you solve this bug?

Are you trying to play on a browser or the downloaded Android version?

I'm on the apk, but in the browser it's working perfectly! But I prefer to play in the apk

I hope there will be more sex positions in the game! And thank you very much!

Hmmmm that's strange. Okay, I'll try to figure it out!!


fun game so far, although maybe a bit frustrating to predict the attacks? some of his moves interlink with others, but sometimes they also don't, which means that you either have to guess and risk taking a hit or risk not getting any hits off at all. maybe buff the dash a little bit? like, let you interrupt a heavy attack to dash but you use even more stamina? because sometimes you kinda have to flip a coin, and if you go in for it and get hit for it, it feels a bit unfair.

although im not a real reviewer, and i did beat normal in five tries, so take this with a grain of salt

Thanks, I'll work on it 👍

(1 edit) (+2)

Enjoying the game but i wish a few things were changed/added

) clearer attack animations

)Restart button

)more dash directions

Thank you!


i hav been looking for a game like this since river city girls

(1 edit) (+1)

Is to difficult for me and music would be great in game 


Sound would be nice.

And yeah, it's REALLY hard. Still, I like the look! I'll be following this project.

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