
Play here: https://deepgames.gg/bw

Thank you for the patience! We are excited to bring you the warehouse level for Barely Working. This level is available for free. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

All future levels will be paid only. We look forward to bringing you more content. Next up, we will be re-doing the first level's artwork to match the new look for Candace.

Patch Notes:

  • Added Warehouse level, "Inventory Day", available for free
  • Changing Candace's top when there is a colleague on her will now only take 2 seconds instead of 3
  • Added visible pause button
  • Added animation for fast forward
  • Fixed a bug that caused colleagues to talk when the game was paused
  • Fixed a main menu bug that caused the options menu to not grab focus when entered


HTML5 Play in browser
Version 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2024
Windows 34 MB
Version 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2024
MacOS 52 MB
Version 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2024
Linux 36 MB
Version 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2024
Android 44 MB
Version 8.0.0 Jun 30, 2024

Get Barely Working


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bro candace is so ho

t that ever time she moans she make me dick hard

While I definitely enjoy the new update, I accidentally downloaded it over the Patreon version I had, causing it to lock the stuff I had previously unlocked and due to some unfortunate personal events I can no longer resubscribe to Patreon. 

The update itself adds some new flavour and gives a nice new level to the game for players that have only played the demo version so far. If you enjoy this new level I would certainly recommend subscribing to the Patreon to unlock the other level and the different outfits as the other locked level is similar to this new one.


No missionary. This new artist has been doing nothing but Doggy style and a lot of the good bits are obscured. Great looking art but missing the mark when it comes to poses, comes off as low effort.

Gave the new update a go... man. I am rusty to level 1. Took a few tries to finish it. Tried Level 2... very difficult. Got close but I must say it is real rough trying to deal the other workers compared to the office. Makes sense if I'm honest though navigating the responses is much trickier since I think one of them ended up sending more dudes than expected. Though dealing with a few don't change rates regardless of if you have clothes on, off, or directly going at it. Though there was a bug that I found. It is I think just a visual one regarding the gauge of progress. Basically even after finishing off a guy and going back to work with your clothes back on, it doesn't move from yellow. Speed returns to normal but the visual doesn't update until the next guy shows up.

Oh wow, the speedometer feedback you wrote is a design flaw then. I made the speedometer to tell you the likelihood of you passing the level, not how fast you're going.

Maybe I shouldn't use a speedometer then, maybe a different icon. A thumbs up or thumbs down or something.

I am not too sure what to suggest but I got an idea. What about a simple pair of trays with paper that is gradually going down? Like how people have stacks of paper in a tray for "in" and "out" when working in an office. With the basic visual of having the IN tray full at the start but gradually moving into the OUT tray with more stacking to the IN tray when the "co-workers" visit. 


Oh lol! That's interesting. I like that

Glad I could help with ideas like that. Though I am not too sure how you'd handle it for something like the ware house section. Probably something like a clipboard.

Do you plan to add tally marks and running makeup in the game? That would fit the theme a lot!

Naw, that would require a lot of work

Deleted 68 days ago

I mean, the game is called "barely working" lol. (Just kidding. I really like this game and the effort the dev put into it)